Flouride in Your Tap Water
According to a study reported by the Clean Water Action Project in 2002, there are over 2,100 chemicals in U.S. drinking water that have been studied and are known to cause various adverse health effects.
According to a study reported by the Clean Water Action Project in 2002, there are over 2,100 chemicals in U.S. drinking water that have been studied and are known to cause various adverse health effects.
We use water for everything, from drinking to bathing, washing dishes, and doing laundry! You may hear the terms water filtration and water purification are used interchangeably, but these are two different things. Water Filtration Water filtration uses either biological processes, chemicals, or a physical barrier to remove contaminants from the water. This improves the …
Water Purification v. Water Filtration – What’s the Difference? Read More »
According to a study reported by the Clean Water Action Project in 2002, there are over 2,100 chemicals in U.S. drinking water that have been studied and are known to cause various adverse health effects.
The findings emerged when Louisiana’s southern coast residents faced saltwater intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico. Since the summer of 2023, the combination of drought and rising sea levels helped drag the salty water from the ocean to the Mississippi River. The high levels of saltwater have made much of the region’s water undrinkable. But …
When Ultraviolet disinfection bombards waterborne pathogens with UV rays, it disrupts their DNA and prevents them from causing future havoc. This effectively destroys the microorganisms, making them harmless. Not only does this provide you with cleaner drinking water, but it also helps to preserve our natural resources by preventing these harmful organisms from entering our waterways and affecting others in your community.